Shilpa Ray

Shilpa Ray is an inventive blues punk singer famous for her usage of the Indian harmonium and gruff, howling vocal style. Ray has been performing and writing for over a decade and her various incarnations have ranged from sleazy jazz to goth influenced burlesque to grimy bar rock. The styles continue to morph, but Shilpa Ray remains as authentic and convicted as she has always been.

Session Tracklist
1. Morning Terrors Nights of Dread
2. Add Value Add Time
3. EMT Police and the Fire Department
4. Shoot This Dying Horse
5. Shilpa Ray's Got a Heart Full of Dirt

Brooklyn, NY

Band Members
Shilpa Ray – Vocals, Nord and Harmonium
Richard Hutchins – Drums
Paul Blackwell – Guitar and Vocals
Turner Stough – Bass and Vocals
Christian Lee – Synth and Vocals

Visit the band's website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.
