Posts in Rock
Die Spitz

Austin, TX bred, Die Spitz exploded onto the scene with their absolute ripper of a debut album, "Teeth." During their Audiotree Live performance, Die Spitz delivers a masterclass in precision-blade punk, showcasing the monstrous energy that earned them accolades like The Austin Chronicle's  "Music Video of the Year" and "Album of the Year" Austin Music Awards.

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RockAudiotreeDie Spitz

Montreal, Quebec slow core meets metal band, BIG|BRAVE, stands boldly at the forefront of reconfiguring the landscape of heavy music. Tension, space, volume, and raw emotion drive their exploration into new terrains of experimental rock.

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Ariel Posen

Ariel Posen's music occupies the space between genres. It's a rootsy sound that nods to his influences — heartland rock & roll, electrified Americana, blue-eyed soul, R&B, Beatles-inspired pop — while still moving forward, pushing Posen into territory that's uniquely his own.

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RockAudiotreeAriel Posen

LAPÊCHE is an alternative punk band with deep roots in Brooklyn's DIY scene. They fuse folk-inspired melodies with basement punk instrumental work to form an aggressive, energetic sound.

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RockAudiotreeLAPÊCHE, Lepache

SOM is a dark, heavy, and thoughtful post-rock band. The quintet crafts massive melancholic slabs of sound with thunderous rhythms, savage guitar noise and intense, lamenting vocal work.

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As Cities Burn

As Cities Burn is an experimental post-hardcore band who released their comeback album "Scream Through the Walls" on June 7, 2019 nearly 10 years after their last record. A serendipitous reunion brought back TJ Bonnette: ACB's original screaming vocalist and collaborative songwriter.

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