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Wildcat! Wildcat!

“Los Angeles has a habit of sounding like this: neon, night-time, buzzy, empty. The cars weave through the woozy right-angles of the traffic grid, steaming west on Pico or Olympic, everything tilting southwest as the ocean approaches, driving through warm night air toward or away from one of the city’s many centers. It means nothing, this space between ocean and desert, a group of human beings lodged in the most interstitial of all places, grinding out something glossy from a series of moral failings and personal compromises. On debut full-length, No Moon at All, the trio from their sonic and geographic city of origin, Wildcat! Wildcat!, channel this type of complexity, crafting anthems made for night driving toward nothingness, the neon nihilism of the most American of all cities not named Chicago or Las Vegas.” – by Geoff Nelson

Session Tracklist
1. Tower W.O.H.L.
2. Garden Greys
3. Hero
4. Circuit Breaker
5. Marfa

Band Members

Jesse Taylor – Bass
Michael Wilson – Keyboards
Jesse Carmichael – Drums
John Wilson – Keyboards

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.