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Vinny Vegas

Vinny Vegas stands out amongst the myriad of progressive bands emerging from Baltimore’s burgeoning art rock community. Living proof that a musical act can thrive without abandoning the DIY aesthetic, the band has self-released three critically acclaimed E.P’s and self-booked/funded many tours over their five-year existence. With each release, Vinny Vegas has shown the kind of growth that can only occur when artists maintain control over their own career. Through consistent touring, the band has managed to expand their fan base up and down the east coast and throughout the Midwest and Canada. Known for their dynamic live shows, the band has even managed to develop cult-like following in the notoriously hard to break Mid-Atlantic scenes of Baltimore, Washington DC, Philadelphia and New York City. With their debut full-length album and an aggressive touring schedule mapped out for 2012, it just might be the year that Vinny Vegas transforms their underground credibility into more mainstream notoriety.

Session Tracklist
1. Highs and Lows
2. Blue Tunnel
3. DJ's
4. Snacks
5. Sleeping Cliffs
6. Mallets

Baltimore, Maryland

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.