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Tunde Olaniran

Tunde Olaniran is a creator. He’s a production-obsessed rapper, dancer, and visual artist who goes to painstaking lengths to define his vibrant image. Tunde designs his own stage outfits to reflect distinct sections and moods within each live performance. He choreographs his own bold dance moves as well as those of the back-up dance crew who travel with him. When 2015’s “Transgressor” was released, Tunde performed the album straight through with a team of dancers whose movements followed the lyrical and musical themes of each track.

Tunde is a gospel singer at heart whose ear for experimentation is calculated and refreshing. His musical content ranges from heavy hitting club anthems to emotionally stirring autobiography. He employs synthesizers, viola and West African vocal samples within the music’s dense textures. The wide range of instrumentation and style shows his lack of concern for catering to a specific category. Tunde defines his own sound by letting his free-form flow vacillate between caffeinated rap bars and dizzying vocal lines fit for Broadway. His verbiage is simultaneously intensely personal, fun-loving, and insightful. He segues between issues of weight, racism, and poverty in his hometown of Flint, MI. No matter what he’s discussing, Tunde Olaniran strives to write music that’s infectious, uplifting, and optimistic.

Session Tracklist
1. Transgressor
2. Up & Down
3. Let Me Go
5. Namesake

Band Members
Tunde Olaniran – Vocals and Tracks
Aurora Lewis – Dancer
Zariah Fowler – Dancer

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where Youtube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.