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Triathalon is a four-piece ensemble based out of Savannah, GA. Their sound carries the basis of motown/surf sounds, but with a twist of experimental sketchiness. Their tunes move and groove seamlessly through rapid changes, from delicate breaks to dense swells. The band’s debut full-length album is expected out this October, with a U.S. tour in support of the release.”

Session Tracklisting
1. Fantasy Jam
2. Mellow Moves
3. Swells
4. Usher Surfing
5. Ways
6. Hawaiian Boi

Band Members
Adam Intrator – Vocals and Guitar
Hunter Jayne – Guitar
Alex Previty – Bass
Chad Chilton – Drums

Visit the band's website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.