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Trevor Sensor

Trevor Sensor is a well-read, lyrical performer with a gravelly vocal delivery. He’s an observant, often deprecating realist who “comes from the kingdom of liquor bottles where everybody has a problem that just can’t be named” (from Endless Shame). Sensor bangs out chord progressions with strums vigorous enough to strip the wood off his bright acoustic guitar while delivering witty, informed ballads inspired by the ethos of his literary heroes. Watch and hear the performance here on Audiotree Live.

Session Tracklist
1. Satan's Man
2. Judas Said to be a Man
3. The Reaper Man
4. The Vatican
5. Nothing Is Fair

Band Members

Trevor Sensor – Vocals, Guitar and Piano

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.