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The Dirty Pigeons

About six months ago, Brian Morrissey thought about giving up music entirely. A self-taught musician, having performed for what is now half his life, he contemplated walking away and taking the safe path in life; work 9 to 5, keep content and quiet, move forward in time, but not necessarily with joy.  Such a bleak future would only lead to non-fulfillment, however, so he chose to commit to his passion of playing music regardless of outcome.

Going thru a catalog of old songs, ideas, and sketches, he decided to work. Recording seemed to be the only task that silenced the doubts in his mind. Writing, performing, recording, and engineering virtually all the songs from his small home studio, he created songs for a band he imagined, recruiting friends who would help fill the sounds.

Always feeling the pull of polar-opposites, Dirty Pigeons was born. Rock songs, folk ballads, loud drums, quiet strumming, squealing guitars, hushing vocals, depression, elation. A pattern began to show: a need for everything to belong. A drive to somehow make the songs all work together. His deepest influences seemed to get it right, he felt he had to try as well.

Session Tracklist
1. The Family Tree
2. The Way I See It
3. The Valley
4. Stills, Young
5. Sunday's Golden Wishes
6. Sudden Storm
7. Forgot What You Said
8. What's The Point In Changing

Chicago, Illinois

Visit the band’s website