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The Caulfield Cult

The Caulfield Cult is a mope rock/post punk outfit from the Lion City. They’re influenced primarily by American punk rock in the vein of Jawbreaker. They’re a driven quartet who’ve toured tirelessly across the world, finding the best reception in Western Europe. Preferring house shows, the Caulfield Cult with play with anyone and everyone who will take them. After three years of intense touring, the band has become road-hardened; warriors of travel who can go days off Taco Bell and Iced Tea. Listen to them play new tracks from the EP, “Half Empty” on Audiotree Live.

Session Tracklist
1. Everyone But Me
2. Ditch
3. Leaving Cemetery Junction
4. Etched
5. Nothing Works Out In the End
6. Burden


Band Members
Nicholas Wong – Vocals and Guitar
Brian Chiong – Bass and Vocals
Feroze McLeod – Guitar and Vocals
Andrew Koh – Drums

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.