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The Ballroom Thieves

The Ballroom Thieves are a city three-piece with a field and country style. Their stripped down, organic set-up lends them the ability to take the show anywhere and perform at any moment. The band creates rollicking folk blended with an impressive overlay of emotive, soaring cello and powerful strums of acoustic guitar. The ever-changing tempo and slow buildups are centered around the pulse of Devin Mauch’s tribal-influenced drumming.

The crown jewel of the Thieves’ sound, however, are the three part vocals. Three unique voices separate and intertwine to emit one call. Channeling sounds from the Delta and bits of old Gospel guises and transcends this Boston trio’s urban roots.

Session Tracklist
1. Coward's Son
2. Vampires
3. Bullet
4. Stones
5. Save Me
6. Archers

Boston, MA

Band Members
Martin Earley – Vocals and Guitar
Devin Mauch – Vocals and Percussion
Calin Peters – Vocals and Cello

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.