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Thank You Scientist

Thank You Scientist are a jazz-metal-soul fusion of precise and flamboyant instrumentation. They’re a riotous bunch whose dynamic song movements belong in the soundtrack to a cosmic thriller. Get your air guitar ready to shred, jig and jam along to their dense, playful grooves.

Check out the performance by Thank You Scientist on Audiotree Live.

Session Tracklist
1. The Amateur Arsonist's Handbook
2. Caverns
3. A Wolf in Cheap Clothing
4. In The Company of Worms

Band Members

Salvatore Marrano – Vocals
Tom Monda – Guitar
Cody McCorry – Bass
Andrew Digrius – Trumpet
Ellis Jasenovic – Sax
Odin Alvarez – Drums
Ben Karas – Violin

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.