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Spoon Benders

Searching for a boisterous good time, look no further than Portland's absolute shredders, Spoon Benders! Edgy, witty, and entrancingly dark, they have found a way to dredge up the past while simultaneously creating a frenzied and frenetic sound all their own. Their Audiotree Live session is a face-melting master class in punk and hardcore, chock full of uncut garage-psych finesse. Interviewed by Audiotree Host Rita Lukea, the band recounts old tour stories, opens up about the importance of their creative community in Portland, and breaks down some of their favorite lyrics. Check out Spoon Benders on Audiotree Live!

1. Dichotomatic
2. Cut Behind
3. Strychnine
4. Rival
5. Rm.157

Band Members
Katy Black - Vocals & Guitar
Olivia Herald - Drums
Buffy Pastor - Vocals & Guitar
Phoebe Grieves - Bass

Portland, OR

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