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Silent Planet

The Night God Slept is Silent Planet’s dense concept record about religious and societal norms. It’s a free-wheeling Metalcore debut, lyrically steeped in vocalist Garrett Russell’s literary influences. It’s more of a discussion than a platform; a conscious attempt to challenge common biases within the genre. Most of the tracks are written from the view of female protagonists throughout history.

To this point Russell claims, “We see a lot of cultural misogyny in music, certainly in heavy music. Women in heavy music are caught in a binary – they are either written as a ‘good’ moral, ideal woman or a ‘bad’ sinful, tempting woman – but almost never written from their own perspective. What links all of the women in our songs is that they ultimately have to make difficult decisions under the systemic oppression of their coercive ruling forces. Forces which include government, authority figures and the society they live in.” To further expand on the album’s details, Russell has cited sources at the bottom of each lyric sheet.

The Night God Slept is a powerful record from a young band that’s worth pondering over. Watch Silent Planet perform multiple tracks from the release.

Session Tracklist
1. Native Blood
2. Wasteland (Vechnost)
3. firstwake
4. XX (City Grave)
5. Tiny Hands (Au Revoir)
6. Depths II

Los Angeles, California

Band Members
Alexrene Camarena – Drums
Mitchell Stark – Guitar
Igor Efimov – Guitar
Garrett Russell – Vocals
Thomas Freckleton – Bass and Vocals

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.