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Rosetta are experimental post-metal icons who formed in 2003. 15 years later, the quintet continues to reach further into the abyss of heavy sounds; pulling from shoegaze, post-rock, hardcore, death metal and ambient electronics to craft challenging, thoughtful records. 2018's Utopioid is a dialectical journey through themes of environmental devastation and the role recent technology plays in our ever-increasing lack of human connection. 

Session Tracklist
1. Détente
2. Oku / the Secrets
3. (Untitled III)
4. Qohelet

Philadelphia, PA

Band Members
Matt Weed - Guitar
Eric Jernigan - Guitar and Vocals
Mike Armine - Vocals and Sampler
Will Benoit - Bass
BJ McMurtie - Drums

Visit the band's website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.

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