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Quiet Company

2013 looks to be Quiet Company’s most ambitious year yet: after releasing their Christmas EP, “Winter is Coming” in December, they immediately jumped back into the studio to re-record their 2006 album, “Shine Honesty.” The album, now re-titled “A Dead Man On My Back: Shine Honesty Revisited” will be released on 4/09/13 and features 2 new tracks as well as a complete re-recording & mastering of the entire album which had previously been out of print for over 3 years. Early Summer 2013 will see the release of the “Are You A Mirror?” E.P. and the band will begin work immediately on a new full-length album to be released sometime in the winter of 2013.

In between all of the recording, Quiet Company played SXSW 2013, Canadian Music Fest 2013 & has US tours lined up for the spring & summer, with a primary focus on the Midwest & Northeast & Southeast US markets. They will return to Canada in June to play NXNE 2013.

Session Tracklist
1. Everything Louder Than Everything Else
2. You, Me & The Boatman
3. ...And You Said it was Pretty Here
4. The Easy Confidence
5. Preaching to the Choir invisible, Part 1

Austin, TX

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.