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Outrun the Sunlight

Outrun the Sunlight are an instrumental band who blend flashes of groovy post-metal, heavy progressive rock, and somber post-rock into a bold but intricate sound. They mold with the ever-changing musical palette of the band’s songwriters, who focus on constantly creating the “sounds they want to hear.” The result is a storytelling project with chord structures that take unpredictable twists, but yield anthemic choruses chock full of polyrhythms, mathematical riffs, and emotionally expressive breakdowns.

Session Tracklist
1. Laughing with Such Abandon
2. Stars in the Ocean
3. Red Bird
4. The Pace of Glaciers

Band Members
Austin Isaac Peters – Guitar
Cody McCarty – Guitar
Pedro Villegas – Drums
Connor Grant – Bass

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.