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Adam Agin and Tyler Cook’s creation, Neulore, has blossomed into a tantalizing project. A constant acoustic strum provides the heartbeat for their twangy indie folk. The band’s newest single, Shadow of a Man, encapsulates the impressive vocal harmonies and strength of songwriting the duo has achieved.

By recruiting Nashville friends, they’ve bolstered their sound with noisy keys and gang chants fit for a stadium. Unabashed lyricists, Neulore investigate spirituality and the decrepit state of humanity with a crafty, tasteful edge. With the help of Adam’s distinct wail, Neulore is the perfect band for long van trips down dusty roads and sunny Sunday afternoons.

Session Tracklist
1. 3
2. Native Skin
3. Mercy! You Need Saving
4. Eve
5. Shadow of a Man
6. Apples

Nashville, TN

Band Members

Adam Agin – Vocals and Acoustic Guitar
Tyler Cook – Guitar and Vocals
Samuel “Tasty” Ham – Keyboard and Vocals
Stewart Doka – Bass and vocals
Colton Thomas – Drums

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.