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The Modern Electric

The Modern Electric love cinema. They incorporate the visual and aural aesthetics of film into their boisterous piano-led pop-rock.

“Saturated in beautiful pop melodies, their music plays out like a soundtrack to a coming-of-age film about chasing crushes, surviving loneliness, and finding close friends. Like a favorite mixtape or a fond memory, the band’s sound is timeless and heart-felt. The Modern Electric live experience balances raw emotion with vulnerability. The passionate vocals are belted out as if each performance will be the last. The piano is both skillfully caressed and, at times, mercilessly abused. Band members jump from instrument to instrument as the energy spreads throughout the room like fire. Fans find an escape from loneliness and heartache in a Modern Electric show, like one finds escape in a silver screen love story.”

Session Tracklist
1. Great Expectations
2. Slow-Motion Jeans
3. The Summer of Lou Reed
4. When All Else Fails
5. David Bowie (Save Us All)
6. All We Have is Now

Cleveland, OH

Band Members

Garrett Komyati – Vocals, Piano and Acoustic
Matthew Childers – Bass, Drums
Holden Laurence – Guitar
Michael O’Brien – Drum, Bass

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.