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Mike Mains & The Branches

Mike Mains is a boisterous front man whose physical movements are as sporadic as the cadence of his voice. Transitioning from falsetto to talk rock to screams, he turns on a dime and delivers with passion. Between constant keyboard texture and bulky bass lines the rest of the Branches help the music grow and explode, rising and falling at an unpredictable pace.

The band has a dance rock vibe blended with a unique brand of melodic indie punk. The combination of Shannon’s light, subtle vocals in combination with Mike’s makes for a denser, more driven sound peppered by background yells. In preparation for “Calm Down Everything’s Fine”, the band has endeavored to perfect a sound that is purely Mike Mains.

Session Tracklisting
1. In the Night
2. Miracle
3. Noises
4. Stones
5. Stereo
6. Everything

Lansing, MI

Band Members

Michael Mains – Vocals and Guitar
Shannon Mains – Vocals and Keys
Ethan – Guitar
Nate Wethy – Bass and Vocals
Corey Calvert – Drums

Visit the band's website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.