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Marriages is a heavy rock band formed by Emma Ruth Rundle and Gregory Burns, formerly of post-rock outfit Sparowes. They released their first project, an EP entitled ‘Kitsune,’ in 2012. This year marks the release of the emotional full-length ‘Salomé,’ Marriages’ true debut.

It’s a record that fits no proper description, ranging in style from gothic cathedral sounds to not-exactly-metal to shoegaze and riff-laden post-rock. Emma Ruth Rundle’s lithe voice haunts the album’s entirety, displaying a powerful vulnerability and fatal edge akin to the title character, Salome. The three-piece functions as a single unit emitting a wall of sound. Each player has carved out clear roles and execute a depth and dynamic far beyond a usual three-piece.

‘Salomé’ is masterfully woven together; the band tried countless tracklist incarnations before reaching the most potent arrangement. This patience and attention to detail is clear throughout as the album art, track titles, and promotion follow a thematic through-line designed by its creators. It’s an inspirational record for any musician who desires to define their tone. Watch Marriages performing a few of their new tracks here on Audiotree Live.

Session Tracklist
1. Southern Eye
2. Less Than
3. Skin
4. Salomé

Los Angeles, California

Band Members
Emma Ruth Rundle – Vocals and Guitar
Gregory Burns – Bass and Keys
Andrew Clinco – Drums

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.

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