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Lady Lamb the Beekeeper

Lady Lamb the Beekeeper is the moniker and alter-ego of indie-punk musician Aly Spaltro. She’s cultivated her chops in the late after hours of a DVD rental store in Brunswick, ME. Rambling, dissociative phrasing and jangly instrumentation are pitted against a sweet but powerful vocal effort. Their sound is rambunctious, unconventionally constructed and strong-willed. Her honest, stream-of-consciousness lyricism shows the band’s lack of fear by demanding attention. They can bounce quickly from odd metaphor to stark literalism within the same verse. Lady Lamb’s newest record, “Ripely Pine” is a pulpy, emotional display of her sarcastic love-song style.

Session Tracklist
1. Walrus
2. Milk Duds
3. Regarding Ascending the Stairs
4. Violet Clementine
5. You Are the Apple

Brunswick, ME

Band Members:
Aly Spaltro – Vocals, Guitar, and Banjo
TJ Metcalfe – Synth, Bass, and Vocals
Dup Crosson – Drums

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.