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Iska Dhaaf

Two men from completely different musical backgrounds form Iska Dhaaf. They function as a glued unit despite one being raised on Hip Hop and the other on highly complex indie rock. Nathan’s groovy guitar work provides the melody and rhythmic, steady licks. He works seamlessly with drummer, Ben Verdoes who contributes the band’s repetitive, energetic heartbeat. Not wasting one note or word, Iska Dhaaf does with two men what many bands hope to achieve with twice the number.

New release, “Even the Sun Will Burn” is a socially charged, often political record detailing personal, inner struggles as well as cultural phenomenon. Between the vast dichotomy of surfy, throwback guitar tones and cacophonous noise lies their unique appeal. Intelligent and soft spoken, Iska Dhaaf are the kind of band that has a real message and the conscious ability to share it.

Session Tracklist
1. Happiness
2. Everybody Knows
3. General Malaise
4. All the Kids
5. Same (In)difference
6. Rumi

Seattle, WA

Band Members
Benjamin Verdoes – Drum, Keys, and vocals
Nathan Quiroga – Vocals and Guitar

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.