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Chadwick Stokes

Chadwick Stokes is best known for his role as front-man and main songwriter for Dispatch and State Radio. In a new incarnation and solo project, Chadwick delivers dense lyrical content backed by a folk-rock quintet. Their official bio reads, “Together, [the band] crafted a sonic warmth away from the frigid winds, weaving together the stories and pieces and lives taken from his time on the road and his fresh existence as a family man; of growth and struggle, of reactions to the changing (oftentimes, not in the right direction) political and social landscape around him. The songs on The Horse Comanche are both urgent and delicate, melding a psychedelic spiral with steadfast folk; from the wistful pop-choir that ushers in “Hazy Maze,” to the eclectic percussion and tropicali beat of “Prison Blue Eyes,” to the sweeping “New Haven” that features guest vocals from Lucius, they’re a diverse snapshot into the mind and world of Stokes, a singer who lives equally in the internal and the external plane.”

Session Tracklist

1. Pine Needle Tea
2. I Want You Like a Seatbelt
3. Our Lives, Our Time
4. Black Bottle

Band Members
Chad – Guitar and Vocals
Steve – Guitar and Vocals
Casey – Keys, Banjo, Mandolin and Vocals
Martin – Bass and Keys
Will – Percussion and Vocals
JR – Drums and Vocals

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.