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Tim Bruns is a guitar player and songwriter whose rock-forward sound reflects a significant lifestyle change. After the demise of his former project, Churchill, Bruns attempted to separate himself from music entirely. He made the move from Denver to Nashville and tried blue collar jobs, but no matter what he spent time on, the urge to write songs kept finding its way to the forefront of his creative drive. The result of this urge is a collection of personal tunes that are truly from the gut. With music theory-obsessed bandmates Tom Whall and Ryan Brown providing formal structure, Bruns created a sound that is freer and more personal than anything before. Check out the new sound and revel in BRUNS’ reeling guitar solos, thumping percussion and effortlessly relatable lyricism.

Session Tracklist
1. Illinois Wind
2. Am I Good
3. Buzzards
4. Young
5. Stay

Band Members
Tim Bruns – Guitar and Vocals
Tom Whall – Drums
Ryan Brown – Guitar
Alex Nelson – Keys
Kyle Hovland – Bass

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.