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Aero Flynn

Eau Claire, Wisconsin is an enigmatic city. It’s relatively small and quite Midwestern, but has managed to impact the country in a truly powerful way. Its close proximity to and shared attitude with the Twin Cities has allowed musicians from both locations to form a symbiotic relationship. Justin Vernon (of Bon Iver, the Shouting Matches, Volcano Choir) is partially responsible for the fusion; his massive sphere of influence and networking with friends and collaborators to work toward shared goals. But long before this serendipitous evolution began, there was Josh Scott and Amateur Love.

To this day Amateur Love has impacted the scene in ways that cannot be quantified; Field Report’s Chris Porterfield still regales them as the best band he’s ever seen. Regardless of this praise, they broke up out of nowhere; Josh Scott packed up and moved to Chicago and took an indefinite hiatus from musical performance.

Fast forward to 2015 and we get Aero Flynn: the musical embodiment of Scott’s complex internal diatribe. Their self-titled, debut record flows seamlessly and represents the experimental frontman’s relationship with the scene he helped foster. It’s cinematic in sound and scope; a true masterpiece of album construction sure to perk up the taste buds of any conscious listener. Hear the band perform tracks from “Aero Flynn” on Audiotree Live.

Session Tracklist
1. Plates2
2. Twist
3. Dk/Pi
4. Crisp

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Band Members
Josh Scott – Guitar, Vocals, Synth
Adam Hurlburt – Bass, Vocals, Synth
Dave Power – Drums

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.