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Acid Dad

Acid Dad are a twangy psychedelic garage band whose hazy lo-fi tunes are blanketed with a layer of 60’s fuzz. They speak of the multiple personalities hidden within their sound, claiming to have “broken down song structures countless times in order to achieve a smooth flow between radically different sections of the songs.” Acid Dad makes the kind of music that urges you to dance as much as it urges you to slam dance, to pound your fist as readily as it requests you solemnly sway. Watch them perform in all their psych punk glory here on Audiotree Live.

Session Tracklist
1. Brain Body
2. Don't Get Taken
3. Fool's Gold
4. Grim
5. Digger (Gotta Get That Money)

Band Members
Vaughn Hunt – Guitar and Vocals
Kevin Walker – Drums
Sean Fahey – Bass
Danny Gomez – Guitar and Vocals

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.