Adult Mom

“I wrote this record after 3 consecutive breakups that forced me to become a being other than myself, and soon, I was myself again” is the message scrawled after the final track of Adult Mom’s debut LP. With this simple statement songwriter Steph Knipe has precisely captured the essence of “Momentarily Lapse of Happily.” It’s a record about coming to terms with who you are, who others think you are, and who you want to be. This revelatory, interpersonal dialogue is put to the sound of bright, pinging keys, loose percussion and sweet chord progressions.

Watch and hear the band perform here on Audiotree Live.

Session Tracklist
1. Be Your Own 3am
2. I Think I'm Old Enough
3. 2012
4. I Make Boys Cry
5. Sincerely Yours, Truly
6. What's Another Lipstick Mark
7. Ode to One Night Stands

Band Members

Steph Knipe ­- Vocals and Guitar
Mike Dvorscak – Keyboard, Guitar, and Vocals
Bruce Hamilton – Bass
Olivia Battell – Drums

Visit the band’s website

For our friends who live in countries where YouTube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo.